Test Beam Line

This is the Test Beam Line constructed in the KEK Tsukuba Campus PF-AR for the purpose of testing detectors. It is designed to provide electron beams ranging from approximately 0.5GeV to 6.5GeV for tests. We started offering the service for the users in the 2023 fiscal year.

The PF-AR is a storage ring with a single bunch electron beam with a revolution period of 1.257 microseconds. It operates at a momentum of 6.5 GeV or 5 GeV, with an intensity of approximately 50mA. In this storage ring, a wire target is put into beam halo and generate photons. These photons are then directed into a copper converter to produce electron-positron pairs. A combination of dipole and quadrupole electromagnets is used to extract the electron beam into the detector testing area.

The operation for the users in the 2024 fiscal year already started (Services are usually scheduled three times a year; May-Jun, Oct-Dec, and Feb-Mar). The next operation is scheduled from Mar 6 (Thursday) to Mar 24 (Monday).



Test Beam Line